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2018-1-23 05:01 PM| 发布者: 辉之风| 查看: 61| 评论: 0|来自: 中央社



  "以你的名字唿唤我"(Call Me by Your Name)

  "最黑暗的时刻"(Darkest Hour)


  "逃出绝命镇"(Get Out)

  "淑女鸟"(Lady Bird)

  "霓裳魅影"(Phantom Thread)

  "邮报:密战"(The Post)

  "水底情深"(The Shape of Water)

  "意外"(Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri)


  克里斯多福诺兰(Christopher Nolan)/"敦克尔克大行动"(Dunkirk)

  乔登皮尔(Jordan Peele)/"逃出绝命镇"(Get Out)

  葛莉塔洁薇(Greta Gerwig)/"淑女鸟"(Lady Bird)

  保罗汤玛斯安德森(Paul Thomas Anderson)/"霓裳魅影"(Phantom Thread)

  吉勒摩戴托罗(Guillermo del Toro)/"水底情深"(The Shape of Water)


  堤摩西夏拉梅(Timothee Chalamet)/"以你的名字唿唤我"(Call Me by Your Name)

  丹尼尔戴路易斯(Daniel Day-Lewis)/"霓裳魅影"(Phantom Thread)

  丹尼尔卡卢亚(Daniel Kaluuya)/"逃出绝命镇"(Get Out)

  盖瑞欧德曼(Gary Oldman)/"最黑暗的时刻"(Darkest Hour)

  丹佐华盛顿(Denzel Washington)/"罗曼先生您好"(Roman J. Israel, Esq.)


  莎莉霍金斯(Sally Hawkins)/"水底情深"(The Shape of Water)

  法兰西丝麦朵曼(Frances McDormand)/"意外"(Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri)

  玛格罗比(Margot Robbie)/"我,坦雅"(I, Tonya)

  瑟夏罗南(Saoirse Ronan)/"淑女鸟"(Lady Bird)

  梅莉史翠普(Meryl Streep)/"邮报:密战"(The Post)


  威廉达佛(Willem Dafoe)/"欢迎光临奇幻城堡"(The Florida Project)

  伍迪哈里逊(Woody Harrelson)/意外"(Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri)

  李察詹金斯(Richard Jenkins)/"水底情深"(The Shape of Water)

  克里斯多夫普拉玛(Christopher Plummer)/"金钱世界"(All the Money in the World)

  山姆洛克威尔(Sam Rockwell)/"意外"(Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri)


  玛丽布莱姬(Mary J. Blige)/"泥沼"(Mudbound)

  爱莉森珍妮(Allison Janney)/"我,坦雅"(I, Tonya)

  蕾丝莉蔓薇尔(Lesley Manville)/"霓裳魅影"(Phantom Thread)

  萝莉麦卡夫(Laurie Metcalf)/"淑女鸟"(Lady Bird)

  奥塔薇亚史班森(Octavia Spencer)/"水底情深"(The Shape of Water)


  "美女与野兽"(Beauty and the Beast)

  "银翼杀手2049"(Blade Runner 2049)

  "最黑暗的时刻"(Darkest Hour)


  "水底情深"(The Shape of Water)


  "银翼杀手2049"(Blade Runner 2049)

  "最黑暗的时刻"(Darkest Hour)



  "水底情深"(The Shape of Water)


  "美女与野兽"(Beauty and the Beast)

  "最黑暗的时刻"(Darkest Hour)

  "霓裳魅影"(Phantom Thread)

  "水底情深"(The Shape of Water)

  "女王与知己"(Victoria & Abdul)


  "玩命再劫"(Baby Driver)

  "银翼杀手2049"(Blade Runner 2049)


  "水底情深"(The Shape of Water)

  "STAR WARS:最后的绝地武士"(Star Wars: The Last Jedi)


  "玩命再劫"(Baby Driver)

  "银翼杀手2049"(Blade Runner 2049)


  "水底情深"(The Shape of Water)

  "STAR WARS:最后的绝地武士"(Star Wars: The Last Jedi)


  "亲爱的篮球"(Dear Basketball,暂译)

  "花园派对"(Garden Party,暂译)


  "爸爸的打包术"(Negative Space)

  "反叛的童谣"(Revolting Rhymes,暂译)



  "霓裳魅影"(Phantom Thread)

  "水底情深"(The Shape of Water)

  "STAR WARS:最后的绝地武士"(Star Wars: The Last Jedi)

  "意外"(Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri)


  智利/"不思议女人"(A Fantastic Woman)

  黎巴嫩/"羞辱"(The Insult)


  匈牙利/"梦鹿情谜"(On Body and Soul)

  瑞典/"抓狂美术馆"(The Square)


  "宝贝老闆"(The Boss Baby)

  "战火下的小花"(The Breadwinner)



  "梵谷:星夜之谜"(Loving Vincent)


  "爱情昏迷中"(The Big Sick)

  "逃出绝命镇"(Get Out)

  "淑女鸟"(Lady Bird)

  "水底情深"(The Shape of Water)

  "意外"(Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri)


  "以你的名字唿唤我"(Call Me by Your Name)

  "大灾难家"(The Disaster Artist)


  "决胜女王"(Molly's Game)



  "泥沼"(Mudbound)/"Mighty River"

  "以你的名字唿唤我"(Call Me by Your Name)/"Mystery Of Love"

  "可可夜总会"(Coco)/"Remember Me"

  "马歇尔"(Marshall)/"Stand Up for Something"

  "大娱乐家"(The Greatest Showman)/"This Is Me"


  "国宝银行:小可坐牢"(Abacus: Small Enough to Jail)

  "最酷的旅伴"(Faces Places)


  "阿勒坡最后的男人"(Last Men in Aleppo)

  "坚强之岛"(Strong Island)


  "玩命再劫"(Baby Driver)


  "我,坦雅"(I, Tonya)

  "水底情深"(The Shape of Water)

  "意外"(Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri)


  "银翼杀手2049"(Blade Runner 2049)

  "星际异攻队2"(Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)

  "金刚:骷髅岛"(Kong: Skull Island)

  "STAR WARS:最后的绝地武士"(Star Wars: The Last Jedi)

  "猩球崛起:终极决战"(War For The Planet Of The Apes)



  "天堂在405公路塞车"(Heaven Is a Traffic Jam on the 405)


  "用刀的技巧"(Knife Skills)

  "示意停车"(Traffic Stop)


  "迪卡部小学"(DeKalb Elementary)

  "十一点钟"(The Eleven O'Clock)

  "我的姪子爱默特"(My Nephew Emmett)

  "沉默的孩子"(The Silent Child)

  "我们这些人"(Watu Wote/All of Us)


  "最黑暗的时刻"(Darkest Hour)

  "女王与知己"(Victoria & Abdul)









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