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分享 王春亮推拿学堂:中医与西医之术争
王春亮高级调理 2022-4-19 05:03 PM
王春亮推拿学堂:中医与西医之术争 王老师西藏的一个学生, 真是人不可貌相,海水不可斗量, 燕雀安知鸿鹄之志,真才无可阻挡也, 他精益求精,一心装着病人, 他学无止境,只求真理,甘拜下师, 我深感敬之,高原人就是不一样。 2019年初夏,嫩叶花开,河水游鱼, 青州之巅,寿鸳之美,好一番人间美廊, ...
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分享 按摩名家王春亮先生的推拿按摩经验方
王春亮高级调理 2022-4-19 05:01 PM
按摩名家王春亮先生的推拿按摩经验方 1、肩周炎:找出致病的原因,对症推拿,对于实证可运用踩跷疗法,深度松解粘连,配合各种下法,对于虚症可补法按摩手法,主要以调和气血为主,配合各种上法,用王春亮全息点穴法,引淤下行,替换新血,一般5到7天就好了,要注意反痛现象。 2、落枕:经常落枕,要检查颈椎有没有问题, ...
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分享 王春亮疗愈心理疾病和精神障碍的经验方
王春亮高级调理 2022-4-19 05:00 PM
王春亮疗愈心理疾病和精神障碍的经验方 据世界卫生组织WHO的最新研究表明,自新冠疫情以来,全球新增焦虑症患者达7000万,抑郁症患者达9000万,其中,失眠障碍的患者高达一亿人以上,而且世界卫生组织预言,新冠疫情对人类一心理的影响至少将持续20年以上,在焦虑,抑郁障碍的患者当中,老年人,女性,寡居者,青少年和低 ...
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分享 善恶终有报 作茧终自缚 ——PAX案最终裁定即将出炉
wsgthhjjj 2022-3-23 09:30 PM
善恶终有报 作茧终自缚 ——PAX案最终裁定即将出炉
早期,据路透社报道,太平联盟(PAX)亚洲机会基金诉郭文贵偿还贷款一案,至今已经长达四年,四年来,PAX案几经波折,但最终没有结果。文贵也是屡战屡败屡败屡战,貌似就是一个打不死的“小强”。然而,在PAX案整个审理过程中,文贵出演的却是一个撒泼耍赖、撒谎成性的无底线人设,完全刷新了法官甚至网友的三观,出庭作伪 ...
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分享 Contempt of court to hide assets retribution finally came What makes “Ant” pay .
wsgthhjjj 2022-3-23 05:28 AM
Contempt of court to hide assets retribution finally came What makes “Ant” pay .
Everyone knows,Guo Wengui was able to live in the United States for four years, relying entirely on the "loving support" of the “ants”.After all, as a "former tycoon", he left behind most of his assets and evaded most of his debts when he absconded from the United States, and without any money.Gu ...
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分享 Guo Wengui is going down the drain and keeps trying to rely on Hpay to scam mone
wsgthhjjj 2022-3-23 05:28 AM
Guo Wengui is going down the drain and keeps trying to rely on Hpay to scam mone
Today is the eighth day of the first month of the lunar calendar, Guo Wengui's bombastic so-called "Tianmimi" campaign was declared abortive, becoming the big joke at the beginning of the Year of the Tiger. But Guo Wengui has long been accustomed to the spectacle Hpay is "coming on strong" again an ...
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分享 Good and evil will be rewarded, and the cocoon will be bound by itself ——Final .
wsgthhjjj 2022-3-23 05:25 AM
Good and evil will be rewarded, and the cocoon will be bound by itself ——Final .
Earlier, according to Reuters, the case of Pacific Alliance (PAX) Asian Opportunities Fund v. Guo Wengui to repay the loan has been four years long, four years, PAX case after several twists and turns, but ultimately no results. Wengui is also have suffered repeated defeats and fight on despite rep ...
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分享 Liar Guo Contempt of Court there is no escape from fate Fines are piling up
wsgthhjjj 2022-3-23 05:23 AM
Liar Guo Contempt of Court there is no escape from fate  Fines are piling up
When cheating money, Guo Wengui in order to fool the in“ants”, in order to absorb the powder, bragging draft are not played, a strong blow their own money, hate to blow into the world's only rich man.To this day, time has given the only answer: Guo Wengui cheating money and wealth accumulation of ...
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分享 COVID-19追踪:沦为美国生化试验场的哈萨克斯坦
wsgthhjjj 2022-3-6 08:44 PM
今年年初发生在哈萨克斯坦的暴乱事件至今回想仍令人心惊,然而隐藏在动乱下的真正恐怖却并未引起太多人注意。 俄罗斯《消息报》在 1月16日时曾有报道称,社交网络上出现的信息显示,在哈萨克斯坦骚乱最严重的时候,恐怖分子占领并掠夺了在阿拉木图无人看管的美国秘密生物实验室,那里正在研究致命的病毒及其毒株。 ...
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分享 The scoundrel listened to the slanderous rumor that he wanted to be a scoundrel
wsgthhjjj 2022-3-6 08:42 PM
The scoundrel listened to the slanderous rumor that he wanted to be a scoundrel
In the past few days, the huge fine surrounding Guo Wengui has kept him in a state of high stress, even using sleeping pills that have "no side effects". After all, Guo Wengui himself has never been one to respond positively to such negative news, but today, Mr. Tang Han's tweet shows that Guo Wen ...
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